Slip control experimental setup design
Position - Research assistant at Singapore Institute of Neurotechnology, National University of Singapore
Technical skills - Matlab, Simulink, Python
To study the occurrence of slippage when mass is added to an object gripped by a robotic end-effector, I designed an experimental setup to recreate slip conditions and test friction models developed by the post-doctoral fellow.
Slip conditions can be interpreted by normal and tangential forces of the object on the end- effector. I worked on developing a high-density tactile sensor array to fit the surface area of WidowX’s (purchased robot) parallel gripper, as well as built circuitry and designed algorithms to read tactile, force, and optical sensor data every 0.01 second using Simulink software. This part of the setup would provide the magnitude and direction of the normal force and would serve as input to the friction model/ controller designed by the post-doctoral fellow.
To control the orientation of the robot and adjust the gripper position, I developed an interface which permitted the gripper to perform micromotions every 0.01 seconds. The high-speed micromotions enables the WidowX to promptly control the grip of the robot once the slip event is detected by the friction model/ controller.